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生基 NV Seed / Tomb


  • 延益寿:可延年益寿,让身体更安康,心境更豁达。
  • 强精魄:强化体魄精神,提升正面能量。
  • 改天命:扶助先天八字不足,改善后天运程的不顺。
  • 催官贵:提升官运与贵人缘
  • 添丁财:提升子息运及事业财运
  • 增善缘:改善人缘及姻缘
  • 培阴骘:多行善积德可倍增福气

  • Pre-need NV Seed / Tomb

    It comes with numerous blessings for all. In the ancient Chinese utilized the concept of ” pre-need Tomb ” to change their pre-destined fare and fortune.

    What is Pre-need NV Seed / Tomb?

    Pre-need NV Seed / Tomb is literally means ” the foundation of life ” which the people erect their grace tomb in advance while they still alive. Pre-need NV Seed / Tomb reversed hapless lot into prosperous fate by blending the energy of 5-element and characters related the one’s date of birth and the geographical magnetic force with one’s meritorious deeds. In Chinese, Pre-need NV Seed / Tomb is also called ” Sheng Ji ”

    Benefits of Pre-need NV Seed / Tomb Erection

    The customers live on today and Chinese in Malaysia are fond of making use of principle of ” Sheng Ji ” to help evoke blessings of achievements, longevity, and prosperity upon themselves and families. The whole idea is by erecting pre-need NV Seed / tomb; one’s bad destiny is reversed and is turned into a prosperous one.
    NV Seed / Tomb by Nirvana nestles in a naturally endowed environment distinguished by a dragon-turtle topography. It faces east to haul in the auspicious ‘chi’ from the sunrise direction. The expansive vista opening, which is protected by the green-dragon and white-tiger guardians on both sides, provides a perfect enclave for the good chi to blossom, making it an ideal Fengshui oriented Sheng Ji spot. Tap on the positive energies of this marvellous setup through a Sheng Ji installation to enhance your luck profile while seeking endless vigour to your life pursuits.
    • To promote longevity: A good health, including spiritual health, which results in longevity.
    • To trigger energy: A strong body with a healthy mental stamina to motivate positive energies.
    • To change the course of your destiny: A remedy for the imperfect Bazi through Fengshui orientation at the later stage.
    • To spur career promotion: Good luck for career and advancement guidance from a godsend.
    • To wish for a newborn and wealth: The arrival of a newborn and improvement on career and wealth.
    • To improve human luck: On matters relating to favourable circumstances, including marriage.
    • To earn merits through charity: The virtue of good deeds makes you a noble person.

    生基 NV Seed / Tomb